Criminal Justice Degrees

A Degree from Penn Foster College is a credential that employers value, one that can mean advancement, pay raises, and a better future. Penn Foster offers Degree programs designed to give you a competitive edge when applying for a job or going after that promotion. You can learn more about our programs on this website and enroll online.

General Studies
Undergraduate Certificate

The 15 credits earned in this certificate may be used to meet general education course requirements in all Penn Foster College degree programs.


Criminal Justice
Associate Degree

Learn the skills needed to begin a career in the field of Criminal Justice. This Associate Degree program will teach you the workings of the courts and criminal justice system , police management, law enforcement , and much more.


Criminal Justice
Bachelor's Degree

Your program includes ethics, legal research and writing, criminal law, victimology, evidence, and your choice of specialized courses in family law, organized crime, business law, international relations, and more.